
Ask Good Questions

Why are good questions so critical to decision-making? The use of questions is at the core of how adults learn. Learning derived insights drive leaders and their teams to success. Ask Jeff to help you map out your leadership path, and one for your leadership team.

Our Services

Executive Coaching

Learn Jeff’s crystal clear approach to confidentiality for the roles for all involved in the process including you, your manager, HR where appropriate, and any others inside or outside your company.

What does Executive Coaching look like with Jeff?

Coaching engagements are typically 6 to 12 months long, focused on critical organizational and personal goals. Get started with a tailored approach for your specific requirements.

Generate Useable insights

Through interviews of the right people done in the right way, Jeff creates a thematic, feed forward oriented report for your eyes only.

Custom Development plan

Out of our dialogue, we create your unique development plan that includes key strengths and critical few areas of focus, with a plan for accelerating your development. That plan is the pre-read for a great dialogue with your boss, increasing organizational alignment and support.


Rich & Pragmatic Coaching Conversations

Regular and iterative meetings focused on a) retrospective learning from experiences, what you are practicing and from patterns, b) what else might have been possible including new mental models and behavioral approaches, and c) prospective planning for near- mid- and longer term opportunities and challenges.

Quarterly updates with your manager

Check in to share learnings, re-calibrate coaching goals and chart the post-coaching path

Examples of Executive Coaching Deliverables

Organizational & political savvy takes rich understanding and ability to navigate the organization to get the right things done, developing a deeper and more enterprise wide understanding of organizational context including history, relationships, stakeholders and culture, and the way your leadership style works in that context.

vision & Intent

Clarification of your leadership aspiration and goals in business and personal contexts. A personal leadership vision of the kind of leader you want to be, and a plan to be that leader in a highly authentic way


 Improved ability to see and develop the emotional intelligence and behavioral leadership choices that can overcome personal triggers and improve your leadership effectiveness

Influence & executive presence

 Strategic application of behavioral influence on complex projects. Approaches tailored to your critical stakeholders. Improved executive presence that has your good ideas heard and acted on.

Our Services

Leadership Team (LT) Effectiveness

LTs challenge leaders as they are typically composed of high-level executives who are used to operating independently and who often assume that they know how to work on teams simply due to their senior status. The LT might be a General Manager and team, a functional leader and team, or the top team in the organization. The leader must determine what they need now from the LT and of that, which work demands a true leadership team. This drives how to knit the players together to bring unique business value. Learn how to avoid inefficient or sub-optimal LT organization and leadership that leads to a huge waste in executive productivity, a loss of personal credibility and significant missed opportunities for organizational alignment, focus and value.

What does Team Coaching look like with Jeff?

Begin with a dialogue on what you need/want from your LT, where you think it is today vs. where it needs to be, and develop a customized plan forward. Implement the plan with the right support and coaching to ensure new team leader and team member habits are formed and stick.



Using interviews, surveys, and expert analysis, develop a shared view of team strengths and gaps, all done with clear and transparent rules of confidentiality, creating psychological safety and candor.


LT effectiveness work is a deep partnership between leader and team, and among the team members. This work helps teams wrestle with tough challenges in high candor ways. Discipline enables the leadership team to add unique value to the business and its people.



Set team purpose, goals, agenda, norms and team discipline.

Ongoing team coaching

Design agendas that have the right preparation, fully engage the team and deliver results that have team members valuing their time together. Get observation and immediate feedback of LT meetings.

Examples of LT Effectiveness Deliverables

LT Effectiveness Roadmap

Clarity on improvement areas and how the team desires to work to deliver value.

effective LT MEETINGS

Engaging meetings that focus on the right things, in the right way, so as to deliver needed decisions and actions. Superior facilitation enabling engagement, creativity, and strong agreements. Efficient use of leader and team member time in planning and follow-up.



Leader and team learn LT best practices and how to measure progress. Practices can be cascaded to other LTs.

Get started

Meet Your Executive Coach & LT Team Builder

Jeff Cohen has a track record of accelerating the development of senior leaders & their teams since 1988 as an internal consultant, & since 2001 as the principal of Performance Leaders, LLC Performance Leaders’ value-added is achieved with tightly focused coaching and/or leadership team effectiveness work that accelerates individual and organizational performance and builds critical organizational capabilities applied to key business challenges.

Jeff Cohen, Performance Leader Headshot


“I worked with Jeff as a coach when I first took on a larger leadership role, and he helped me think through strategies to influence effectively at my boss’ leadership team, as well as helping me enhance the performance of my leadership team.  

As my role expanded, I’ve turned to Jeff and his executive coaching to work with some of my direct reports. He is highly attuned to issues of confidentiality and ethics in his work, a key aspect to working with an executive coach. Using interview-based 360 feedback, he’s able to quickly identify themes for his clients to focus on, and through regular highly customized coaching, he helps them accelerate their leadership development in a truly authentic way, building on strengths and experimenting on new approaches to meet current and future challenges.”

Senior R&D executive at Pfizer

“Working with Jeff helped me to think through and develop insights and skills for navigating challenging situations with people at all levels.

He builds rapport quickly, so you are comfortable being transparent and confident in confidentiality. He believes in time-bound engagements, so as a leader there is no dependency. Jeff has always been there for me when I needed a thought partner, and reaches out to keep in touch.”

Mary Oates, Senior Quality Executive